Thursday, November 20, 2008

WI and a little confusion!

This morning when I stepped on the scale I was shocked to see another loss! I WI at home, so I actually stepped on and off the scale several times because each time it's different. I fought the urge to take the smallest number, and have averaged them out (roughly) and have come up with another 2lb loss! Putting me in the 150's, just 6lbs from my 10% goal, and 9lbs away from a healthy BMI! YAY!!!

There was a little bit of a downer though, when the link popped up on my online tracker to recalculate my points. When I dropped below 170, I lost one point, and I figured I would have the same thing happen this time. Well to my shock, I dropped 3 POINTS! I didn't think I would drop so much at once, and although I know I can do it, I'm not too thrilled. 

I have to keep remembering that I am comfortably wearing clothes that a month ago I couldn't get buttoned and was nearly in pain trying to wear. It's all worth it! It will be so worth it to be able to stand up next to my Sister in February as her Maid of Honour and feel good about myself, and know i won't hate the pictures for years to come! 

I'm excited again! Thanks for being my silent cheerleaders, and letting me vent for a minute! 

I'm off to the beach today! I have a date with Jesus!


Nathan said...

Wow that is a huge drop in points. I would post for some help as I didn't think it would ever drop that much at once. I would pose the question, can you lose 3 points in a week?


Christina said...

GOOD JOB HAVIE!!! Way to go!!! I am very proud of you, i know you must be looking amazing, you are beautiful.