Thursday, June 19, 2008

Daddy.... are we there yet? - part 2

I'm home!

I arrived into Tauranga this afternoon and after a few minutes, was greeted by my sister Susie, her hubby Matt, and Oceana!!! I haven't seen that little girl since before her first birthday! She knows who I am and my name and loves to play in my closet!

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Well, I didn't get around to finishing my blog yesterday, because I was a little tuckered out from getting up at 5:30 to catch my flight. I woke up this morning with a stuffy nose, which was slightly frustrating, but I figure my body has finally caught up with me and as soon as I let down and relaxed, the last two months and changes of weather etc, caught up with me. I have the weekend to relax (although I think I'm gonna go get an app for NW tomorrow).

To finish my thought from the other day, I'm home. I've been on such a journey for the last year, being back "home" is a nice breather. I was talking to Dahvede the other day about my frustrations with traveling and not being settled or home anywhere, and he reminded me that much of my life may be like that. Much as I didn't want to hear it, or admit it, it's true. I feel a missionary calling on my life, and although I don't completely know what form that may take, my life is probably never going to look very "settled". Home is a big deal for me. I moved a lot as child, and it's always seemed very normal. This year I got a little too comfortable for my own good, and so picking up and leaving was harder than it's been in a really long time. I used to tell my Mom that home was where I put my pillow down, but that's not very true anymore. It was easier when it was. Something I've been dealing with lately is that I need to simply find my home in Christ, and learn to let that be my strength and support.

Always learning, always journeying, always home. Lord, help me.

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